The Social Cause Club was inaugurated for the first time on December 5, 2023 in the context of the project “Tightening up the victims’ empowering systems in Albania @ Shkodër (TVESA@SH)”. This project is implemented form Different & Equal (D&E) in partnership with Municipality of Shkodër and KMOP – Social and Innovation Centre (Greece) and is financed by European Union in Albania in the framework of the programme EU support for Social Inclusion in Albania.

The European Union is committed at improving gender equality and girls’ and women’s empowerment in Albania, responding to and preventing the wide-spread occurrence of violence and discrimination against women and girls.
The Social Cause Club serves as a welcome place for all past and present survivors, girls and women for the area and is open to providing them with support and opportunities for vocational training, job counselling, socialization, income generation, etc. Through it we aim to provide victims with integrated social care services through a gender-sensitive and child-friendly approach, promoting victim empowerment and increasing their skills through various educational and employment activities.
Whereas, the Alternative Care for Children is a community service that provides care to children of victims of trafficking and domestic violence outside the official schedule of nurseries, kindergartens and public schools (from Monday to Saturday). The main goal is the economic empowerment of single mothers and their reintegration into the community where they live.